Oh for fucks sake!

Suddenly I couldn't use my mic. Windows is always a bit retarded, so I decide to restart. Ofcourse Windows FORCES me to install their shitty upgrades ("We have installed: Killer Control Center - check it out!" (Like hell I will!!)). This takes 5 min, which is usually not a lot of time, BUT I'M SUPPOSED TO BE IN A VOICE-MEETING DAMNIT!

Windows shaped up. Every thing works.

2 hours later: "We have an update for you, we will restart outside of active hours". WHAT?! NO! That means I can't leave my work up on my computer because I can't trust my fucking OS to not throw away my work! And also YOU JUST UPDATED YOURSELF WINDOWS!!!! HOW DO I TELL YOU TO PERFORM ALL UPDATES AND NEVER EVER RESTART WITHOUT MY PERMISSION!!!

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    Again and again the same thing:

    Sorry for caps but the amount of users that have no clue how the windows update routine works and decides if and when it wants to reboot is horrendous.

    Like what the heck. Do you guys enjoy having the latest and greatest security vulnerabilities or what?
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    Obligatory "use linux" comment.
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