Dunno, JS alone would enough to turn me into a Luddite.

Or a programmer motherf*****

  • 2
    Do yourself a favor and ignore anything that asshole says or publishes.
  • 0
    @AleCx04 Any personal encounter? From far his ramblings looked entertaining (but in some comments on HN he didn't come across very... friendly or humble)
  • 1
    Zed Shaw's should be ignored, I concur. He also wrote Learn C the Hard Way, which he conveniently leaves out.

    In that tutorial, he explains nothing and rants about how C is so bad because it's not Python. It's one of the worst C tutorials out there (even if there are a few braindead 'Wow so helpful', 'Thank you', 'Very good' comments like you find on every single -shit- tutorial).

    When confronted about it, he reacted negatively and confirmed everyone's suspicions. He doesnt like C at all and just wrote the tutorial to make money, not to help people out. (Unless his version of helping people out is making them forgo C)

    I don't know of any other juicy bits about Zed, but I don't think that's the only one.
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