Company: We have a new front-end project for you to work on.

Me: Oh fantastic, send me over the designs over on Zeplin and I'll start working on it and we'll sort out the links and wording later.

Company: We want it done using Webflow.

Me: -_- hmm fine.

  • 1
    FYI I don't mind Webflow but it's missing simple functions, and they have a backlog of requests for stuff that needs adding some of which are really needed.

    Plus I like using Vue so I would like to component the site up so it's easy to build new pages.

    I get the ease of use and it's great too use.. but I can code... Let me code haha
  • 0
    Did they say why they WANT to use Webflow?
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    @asgs Nope. Just been told to use it.
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    @asgs the last site I did in webflow was because the client requested it. But haven't heard any reasoning for this one.
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    @HolyTeabags well, why wouldn't you ask or discuss about it? It is not like they will get convinced, but at least their thought process (if any) becomes clear
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    @asgs to be honest it's easier to just use what I've been told too, saves any hassle but it is a bit frustrating because I'm trying to grow and improve my knowledge (as I always am) using a visual builder won't do that. I could do the site no problem coding it up. Maybe it's just profit related for a quicker turn around.
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