It's a GUI for Wine (a Windows compatibility layer) and I think it looks awesome! Feel free to use it!


But this ain't the best I *Will* have written. I plan in the near future to create an app that will connect the computer and a phone. But not in the traditional sense. the phone will become an extra screen for the computer, which will essentially be the a copy of all the icons of the dock of your elementary OS computer. In other words, a connected phone won't be useless to your PC workflow. It will however do the things other similar projects do, like copying files, a shared clipboard, etc. Stay tuned, I plan for this to be done in the next 3 to 4 months!

  • 1
    Have a look at spacedesk it is kinda what you are thinking of
  • 1
    @terraria99 I'm not trying to make my phone a second PC screen, but a utility. Like, imagine having your phone showing your start menu of sorts. And tailored for elementary OS. A tool essentially.
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