I wanna start getting into the programming of android apps.
Any suggestion where to start from? Any good online courses you can recommend?

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    I'd recommend you to think about a nice and small project(maybe look into playstore for some ideas) and just start building it.
    Explorative learning ftw
  • 0
    You should consider hybrid apps. You can use the knowledge you already have to make an app.
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    Since you seem to know Java already, start with android studio.

    Google has nanodegree course for Android in Udacity. You can check it. It will give you some starting.
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    Learn Core Java and Android studio. Youtube tutorials, Udemy, Udacity and more can help you.
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    I think it's best to dive right in. Start by working on small projects. There are loads you can follow in YouTube, but don't just follow blindly, try to understand why too.
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    Big Ranch has a go to book for android development
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