Open software:
Error message: Failed to load x..

Why not tell:
Error message: Failed to load x. Please reinstall software.

Error message: Failed to load x. Remove cache folder located in "drive/somewhere" and try again.

Error message: Failed to load x. Please recreate x by using tool y and try again.

if software tells you no meaningful message and you have NO idea how to solve it.. it is one of those annoying things you have to deal with.

Why can't I just create features....

  • 7
    because a well designed library does not know in what ways X should be provided.
  • 2
    Because you use the Gworkflow :

    Open navigator > search <Error message> <toolname> site:stackoverflow 😁
  • 0
    open issue
  • 1
    True that sucks. Just like a generic "bad input" or so when the input is a several thousand lines file and no indication which issue was discovered in which line.

    Only topped off by MS error messages which don't even give a hint what went wrong, just some error code.
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