fuck graphql

  • 3
    Any reason? Actually interested since I haven't gotten to it yet
  • 6
    @ScriptCoded its like the designers of it think im an absolute retard and cant write a 20 line rest api also change your fucking bio
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    @ganjaman Ever worked with Vue or similar? Feels like it could solve a few problems. Also 😘
  • 6
    Wth graphql is the easiest shit ever lmao. What are you trying to implement the server in? Python & graphene is cake(for example) although i presume that most should be similar in their implementation.
  • 4
    @ScriptCoded yeh change your fucking bio
  • 2
    Setting up graphql is indeed a bit more tedious than a rest API but in the end avoids querying the server 20 times for a single page
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    @dUcKtYpEd thank you come again
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    From the presentation: Why boring is best
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    I'll just write my own graphQL-like query parser.

    Destructuring ftw
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    @malakh lmao that presentation is gold. From the dude that brought you: my shitty startup service's website won't even load.

    Like i am supposed to take that shit into consideration. Single point of failure? Every resource could yield a different error response, every schema represents what we would normally have as 1 endpoint in a standard REST api endpoint.

    If a service fails, the whole query will fail --> As opposed to what? a REST endpoint? Duplicate data schemas? every schema yields the same theory as a a "route"....the rest of his points make no sense: "you can't predict all code paths"-> what does that even mean and how is it different from not predicting the same url schemas? you can 404 neglect shit just like with a regular made API.

    His rant bs sounds like someone trying to convince himself from learning something new by making bs responses
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    @AleCx04 its not that its hard, its just so fucking much overhead that could be avoided with a semi-competent backend or db guy that its absurd
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    @ganjaman again, what are you using yo implement it? I really find the idea of overhead funny since a fully fledged graphql server can be set in about 2 python files, and that is schemas queries and mutations as with auth and all that shit. 2 files dude.
  • 3
    @AleCx04 ocaml-graphql-server (believe it or not). I mean computation overhead, but i guess you could argue that rest has a network overhead, so theres that. I still dont like the idea of the frontend telling the query, whats next, dump the db into a json and use js to filter it?
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    Faster development with graphql, also I don’t need to wait for my backend to implement a specific complicated route, it’s like a jack of all trades
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    @devTea faster devtime on frontend maybe, ive made about as many REST applications as GraphQL and GraphQL takes a bit more time to setup, but appending new things is easier than with rest.
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    and fuck github for using it
  • 0
    2y after graphql still sucks

    long live boring tech
  • 0
    i googled fuck graphql
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