If I were to change all my passwords into hashes (so take a random word and hash it, ex 'table') and then use those on various websites, would people ever guess that my password is _an actual hash_ rather than a password in hashed form if they were to see it? Would such a meta-hash be safer if 'hackers' were to find it unencrypted?

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    Are you genuinely asking this?
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    I mean, if your password is being stored in plain text, you got a bigger problem.
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    @bahua Thank god I know how to hash stuff in a database :p

    @justasithlord Not really that serious, but more a brain fart on a tuesday afternoon
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    @alexbrooklyn haha quite a brain fart mate
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    Yeah, I was referring to the sites where you have a login, not your own infra.
  • 3
    Forget that Hollywood bullshit of some hacker sitting in front of 300 screens, typing without pausing and then your password magically appears.

    Attacks are mostly dictionary attacks or password database attacks, carried out by some software. No real person cares about your password. Even if your password gets "lost", no one will see your password and will ever care what it looks like.
  • 1
    Would probably be as safe as a randomly generated password of some length, so I'd say at least way safer than any password with actual words.
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