
Another rant reminded me of one of my dad’s favorite sayings about experience...

Some people have ten years of experience. Others have one year of experience repeated ten times.

..and for ohers, the recursion interval is shorter still...

As a bonus, here’s another personal favorite: “Nobody’s completely useless. They can always be used as a bad example.”

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    Ten Thousand Mistakes

    A novice asked master Banzen: “What separates the monk from the master?”

    Banzen replied: “Ten thousand mistakes!”

    The novice, not understanding, sought to avoid all error. An abbot observed and brought the novice to Banzen for correction.

    Banzen explained: “I have made ten thousand mistakes; Suku has made ten thousand mistakes; the patriarchs of Open Source have each made ten thousand mistakes.”

    Asked the novice: “What of the old monk who labors in the cubicle next to mine? Surely he has made ten thousand mistakes.”

    Banzen shook his head sadly. “Ten mistakes, a thousand times each.”
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