Who else hates this blue screen of death?

Just windows things... Huh!

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    Critical process died - svchost.exe? services.exe? or smss.exe?

    God, why would they let the user hanging like that!?
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    @asgs Yeah, That's why Linux is much better at handling tasks than windows.
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    That's why I use Linux 😂😂😂
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    @Vanegas9090 ahem ahem, I know... I know..
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    Why don't they make windows open source if they can't fix these bugs?

    When I see an update, I think something might have improved, I restart my pc and get introduced to some more bugs.

    Say hello to new bugs!
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    Well, Linux based systems still suffer from bugs, alot of them even if they are open and free.
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    @Linux yes but they usually aren't stupid and maybe after some years somebody fixes them, maybe not. But with windows I've had the same bug (where I click the start menu, the top half appears, then later the bottom half apperas, making the menu usable) for over 3 years now. And in the meantime I definitely reinstalled it over 10 times. And still the same bug starts appearing a few weeks in a new installation. And nobody even thinks about fixing it
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    @b3b3 i've had a similar issue where I have to open the Start menu once to "unlock" it after every boot, or else it's darker than normal and i can't interact with it.

    I've also never had an issue with Win7. Ever. WinXP... a few, but usually no-driver-available related or not liking GPT.
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    @Parzi According to me, windows XP SP3 was their best product in the history.

    As far as I remmebe, I have had absolutely no problems running anything I threw at it.
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    @techcatchers ive never got a bsod because a windows issue. Its either a third party driver or an hardware issue.
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    Did you report it or try to find a solution for it? Sounds like you account is rekt
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    Never had a bluescreen on Win7 and Win10 🤷🏻‍♂️
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    @Linux I told them and didn't get an answer. I don't have an account with microsoft.
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    Well, they dont like reports without getting debug information :P

    But well, switch to Trisquel and your problem will go poof
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    @Linux how do I even get debug logs on windows?
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    1) I can't even reproduce the bug. It hapspens randomly

    2) It's a UI bug and I doubt that windows even realizes that something fucked up. But I'll have a look at it the next time I'm confronted with the bug
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