What do you guys do to get away from conputers? I, for one started practicing card magic and i say it's really helped me. Card magic and programming are 2 polar opposites. For card magic, social inter action is necessary while programming gets pretty lonely. Anyways, i'm really curious about your other hobbyes

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    @RantSomeWhere cool! May i ask what kind of books you read and what music you listen to? I've always found music to augment my efficiency at something but not much else. I do go to concerts occasionally though, lots of rock.
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    @dudeking you know, things that you can do without a screen, theoreticlally if you are well equipped you could do them in the firest
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    @milkyway don't just ++ my post, come out of hiding and say hi
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    I am living inside my computer so I have no time to get away from it, except for eating, shitting or sleeping haha, I watch movies and tv series, listening to music when I get bored
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    @dudeking wow i've always wanted to learn lockpicking but i'm afraid i can't find lockpicks in my country. I also saw some pretty interesting origami on 4chan/po/, pic related.
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    @milkyway welcome man, haha. You should probably try something low tech, you'll sure get plenty of inspiration when you come back to your "home", the computer
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    What dystopian books can you recommend?
    I've largely read young-adult literature, so stuff like Maze Runner and Endgame.
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    @RantSomeWhere rock, metal, jazz, edm, house, it really deoends on the task at hand if i had to pick one i'd just listen for the fun of it it would be jazz. It's what i listen on long road trips and on airplanes
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    @metamourge 1984 seems pretty good, although i haven't read that much of it.
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    @RantSomeWhere do you have any recommendations for blues?
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    @dudeking i'd be grateful if you gave it to me
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    @RantSomeWhere thanks, i'll check them out!
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    @dudeking thanks! Also I assume you do single pin lockpicking. Raking does seem more practical though
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    Walking, especially in the nearby nature preserve, but the mall works too. Currently listening to The Black Keys radio on Pandora; great selection of blues-rock, with other genres mixed in from time to time. I can vouch for 1984, especially in the current world climate. Sci-Fi and Fantasy, especially the older stuff.
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    Alright, hello.

    I mostly practice Muay Thai, been going at it for a bit over three years now. I need to work out so that I can clear my mind and get rid of anxious energy. Yeah, lots and lots of mental and physical benefits. It's straight up medicine... Wouldn't be who I am without it... I also admire the people who train at my gym, whether they are average joes pushing past their comfort zone and try something new (I love watching them grow as time goes on) or the warrior types that could literally end you but show nothing but kindness and encouragement outside of the ring. It's a great place to be in, you just absorb all that goodness...

    Other than that: meditation, reading, binging memes instead of going to sleep, wondering why I'm so tired, and thinking about what I really want to do with my life.
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    I knit when I have the time. Both my own patterns which I sell online and other people's patterns. I also run quite a lot. But to be honest I rarely have the time to do anything besides school.. Unfortunate but it is a temporary situation.
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    @ihatecomputers nice name! I've always found the big tough guys are big softies on the inside. I've always wabted to learn martial arts but never had enough time to do it. The whole concept of putting a person in their place without hurting anyone is amazing. Especially in todays day and age. One time i was joking with a particularly bitchy girl because i had nothing better to do. Then i jomed about her with her behind me and she tried to slap me. Caught her by the wrist and i twisted pretty hard. She started stomping and screaming "THIS IS RAPE!" Anyways i twisted a bit harder and slammed her hand on the table. Let's just say she avoided me after that
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    @Elyz do you have any photos? It has always amazed me what,you can do with your one hands and some snall things
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    @fuck2code sure! Not the most impressive things I've ever knit but my latest pattern. It's supposed to be oak leaves on these socks 😂 I'm curious as to what you mean by "card magic"?
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    @ihatecomputers thanks! I think muay thai sounds awesome. I've always wanted to learn something like that but never done anything about it so good for you that you did!
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    @dudeking the picture was actually taken on my parents patio. I bet you'd hate the pictures of them modeled on grass 😂 (it's actually fairly normal to model sock patterns like this because the lighting is better outdoors, haha.)
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    @Elyz that actually looks really nice, i can definitely see the leaves. As to card magic, i'm talking about tricks like making a chosen card appear face dowm in the deck, forcing someome to cut to the 4 aces without touching the deck, making only a chosen card be printed in the deck, the rest are blank, then making the other cards be printed and the chosen card blank, and then making everything normal. Of course i know the usual changing a card to another ect
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    @fuck2code oh nice! I've always found that so impressive. Bet people love it when you bamboozle them 😅
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    @Elyz oh god the reactions i get when people just pushed their card in the deck and i pull out the first card for them only to find it was their card. "Do you have a duplicate?!?!?"
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    @fuck2code that sounds hilarious. I'd love to be able to surprise and confuse people like that 😂
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    @Elyz well do you want to learn a trick that requires absolutely no skill, just a bit of memorisation and easy math?
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    @Elyz https://youtu.be/BZQ4dvdq87o
    This kid has some very nice tricks. Depending on the reactions you get you night look into impromptu tricks, those are amazing. I always carry a deck in this stack and one i use for basically everything else. If you have any questions feel free to ask me!
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    idk, i sometimes just go out for a walk
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    Reading (real paper books), archery, medieval reenactment, go on a walk in the forest.
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    I like rock climbing, doing theory of music (which is not dissimilar to programming) and cooking.
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    Mostly mountain biking and walking my dog. Dog will pretty much force you off the computer :)
    Want to get back to RC stuff and motorcycling at some point tough.
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