And so I was wondering why is my cpu fan so loud...

  • 22
    Thicknes of that fur is 3 mm 😁 ffs...
  • 4
    Hahaha, cleaned mine a few weeks ago and had the same problem. Man does it make a difference!
  • 6
    Looks like you've been growing a sand desert
  • 4
    @dudeking dont know about him but here in Asian countries like Pakistan, India... There is aloooot of dust everywhere...
  • 4
    It looks like a coconut
  • 2
    get a proper cooler, stock intel coolers are there just so you can say: "cool, it works," when you assemble and test your rig... there is nothing else cool about them
  • 0
  • 1
    That's why I clean my PC inside about once per year.
  • 1
    @bytecode I don't think another cooler would solve my dust collecting problem :)
  • 3
    That's hot
  • 0
    Photo after cleaning?
  • 0
    @dudeking see the holes in the case roof? If the case has negative pressure, they let all the dust in the world in when the computer is on. But they also let dust fall in when the computer is off.
  • 0
    @electrineer 4xØ14cm Fractal fans are doing their best to maintain positive pressure inside the box :)
  • 1
    @Pogromist sorry, didn't make tge AFTER photo. Everything's reassembled back and already tested out. Cpu temp -- 36C :)

    but I can tell that after undressing that radiator the effect was smth like on this keyboard :)
  • 1
    @netikras are they filtered?
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop This one hasn't been cleaned since 2014 :) And it has been running approx 10 hours/day, 6days/week since
  • 0
    @electrineer noooup :) As you see in the pic, there are no filters.

    Well okay, I guess I could say 1 fan IS filtered. It is at the bottom, sucking air from the floor through a removable filter that came with the chasis. That's about all :)
  • 0
    @netikras well it was a stupid question of me
  • 1
    @JustThat 3 cats :D So that was a 3x3mm ==> 9mm thick fur? :D Cuz I only have 1 cat and it has caused 3mm alone
  • 2
    that make a perfect nest for birds
  • 1
    @netikras yea... dust filters would be better but it will help with noise and cooling :)
  • 0
    I should probably clean my PC again soon. Last time I cleaned it, it ran noticeably better and quieter because there had been so much dust built up inside.
  • 1
    also, putting you PC on your desk is a really easy way to reduce dust ingress greatly
  • 1
    @bytecode also a great way to reduce desk real estate
  • 1
    @bytecode My PC is so stupidly huge and heavy that I'd worry about it breaking my desk.
  • 0
    @bytecode I agree with pc-on-desk idea. And I'm already working on it. But there's this problem @EmberQuill pointed out.
    Back when I bought my PC I asked my coleague to help me out w/ finding parts. He also found that chasis. Problem is it looked much smaller in the pic b4 I ordered it 😁

    it's huuge. I think there is one combination I could fit both chasis and monitor on my desk, I'll try that. But then there'll be not enough room left for that bulky MS Ergo keyboard.
  • 0
    @netikras Exactly. My case is a Corsair Carbide 500R and the thing is a BEAST. I've got five hard drives in it and still room for more.
  • 0
    Oh btw: Is that factory OC'd GTX 770? :D
  • 0
    @bytecode naaah, it's
    ASUS Radeon R9 270X, 4GB GDDR5 (256 Bit), HDMI, 2xDVI, DP

    (copy-pasted from my cart)
  • 2
    I see sahara desert there.
  • 3
    @netikras thumbs up 👍 for the heatsink on VRM are actually heatsink.

    An alternative solution for really dusty environment could be using an AIO water cooler and mount radiator and fan outside the case.
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