
Slowly getting the hang of bulma or UI in general.

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    Bulma is lovely :)
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    text-break: always

    Or something like that
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    @norman70688 Much more simplistic, and only CSS. Configuring and overriding is simple, and so is picking specific components. Also, it's based on flexbox and the class names are consistent and classy.
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    @norman70688 just a vanilla css, you write all the js yourself
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    @ScriptCoded bootstrap 4 is based on flexbox too
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    @norman70688 if by bootstrap you mean bootstrap 3? well anything is better than that obsolete piece of shit nowadays

    if you mean bootstrap 4 https://bulma.io/alternative-to-boo...

    i never tried bootstrap 4 and never will, idiots can't even write minimal js code, no, they have to use jquery
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    @norman70688 I won't say it's better but it's a lot more intuitive.

    And sheds the load of js from its back. That's a double edged sword, that means you development time will be increased substantially if you are not adept with js.
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    @gvnix oh bulma probably is better in any every way thinkable... unless you have reasons to think not and you want share them...
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    @jesustricks personal projects? Then yes. Projects where it would be used on modern browsers? Sure.

    But as you step into the enterprise arena where people are on IE, you can't use bulma and have to use bootstrap for the compatibility. It sucks but enterprise is a huge market as well.
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    @gvnix thanks for the tip
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    wow what an asshole I am, the post I just shared points out things where IE is better...
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    @telephantasm excellent comment
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