KDE > Deepin

  • 2
    You should try the sweet KDE theme, it's really cool
  • 4
    Hey i know that wallpaper. I used to use it.

    Nice rice btw
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    @fuck2code I first did, but I like materia's blur a lot better
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    @HampusMa thanks! I stole it from a reedit user
  • 3
    But so bloated...
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    @Condor what de/wm are you currently using
    @JavaCafe01 are you using kvantum?
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    @Condor bloated with what? Just want to know your opinion...
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    @fuck2code yes, its kvantum
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    If KDE is so bloated how is GNOME almost non-functional without plugins and yet needs twice as much RAM? Not speaking about performance...
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    How is it showing arch of u running Debian...?
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    And gnome way more bloated than KDE. Also it suffers from a few memory leaks, forcing you to restart shell or your machine every couple of days. Also kde is way more customizable.
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    @xkill absolutely! Gnome is the worst case. Imo more people should try xfce and get addicted to speed.
    I'm more of a sway guy myself but who am I to judge
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    @fuck2code Mate on my laptop, but the screen backlight on that thing recently blew the candle (quite literally 😛), so until I find a replacement for it (probably gonna look for some LED driver kits to replace those CCFL tubes with), I'm stuck with my Windows confuzer running its DWM 🙈
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    @Condor you watch AvE mate?
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    @epse far more than I should 🤣
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    @Condor fancy colours you got there, that ain't signal amirite? Love that you're a fan tho
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    @epse Telegram with a slick black theme (ABTheme #Crimson) and rebranded to Koffagram 🙃
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    @Condor mildly surprised you're willing to use telegram 😅 nice pun and theme though
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    @irene ya I tried working with light stuff like xfce but that just won't scale right to my hidpi. I was left with gnome, deepin, KDE, or cinnamon. Cinnamon is too buggy, I don't trust deepin, and gnome is well, gnome. I gave KDE a shot and like it very much.
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    @xkill who said Debian? Its just arch...
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    @JavaCafe01 oh shit... I read KDE > Deepin as KDE - Debian
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    @xkill lol
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    Deepin runs fine on a core 2 duo. KDE does not.
    Enough said.
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    @william341 that may be specific to your system, kde is wayyy faster on my cheap laptop (Celeron n4100)
    So Deepin is a lot cleaner but too slow for me 😢
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