
I don't "using namespace std;" because it makes my code look more confusing to others and may make them more hesitant to ask questions.

  • 3
    If someone is getting confused by "using namespace std" ,
    perhaps they should take a c++ crash course before going through your code
  • 1
    @xkill I second that. Using namespace std is confusing? Why, adding std::whatever AIDS is actually less confusing? And people being confused actually makes them ask less questions?

    You want to make those people FULLY confused? Try using dynamic linked libraries that provide multiple objects with a factory construct, use even copy constructors for your classes and, of course, TEMPLATES!

    Their eyes will bleed, their brains will liquefy and you'll have your peace.

    Unless, of course, you or they are trolling.
  • 0
    as c# dev. std... stdout. std is for output stuff... right? ... an io library? how close am I?
  • 0
    To clarify, I meant compared to normal; not a developer. A person that has no experience whatsoever in programming and my seeing a couple extra symbols, will be confused.
  • 1
    @ssync Oh boy, are you in for a treat :)

    A full C++ project can contain code that even seasoned programmers will look on in horror. Even very well-written code with useful comments.

    Believe me, even a "hello, world" program can be made to look intimidating.

    Anything in C++ that will require more than printf, say, pointers, objects, header files, libraries other than the standard ones, will make them flee in terror (the non-devs, I mean).
  • 0
    @11000100111000 I couldve guessed its the short version of standard. fml
  • 0
    there are mang reasons not to use using namespace std; (ESPECIALLY IN HEADER FILES !!!!!!!)
    for starters, you might get into trouble when having more libs. Now, in a small 100loc file, it wont be a big deal
  • 0
    @kenogo no idea. never thought about it tbh since i never coded in c++
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