What do they teach software engineers these days? How to be arrogant? If I were present when Mrs. Junior was writing this I would put her out of her misery and send her to clean toilets at McDonald's

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    It's her. She is fired. I told my boss to fire her last year.

    I can tell someone there is a better way to do things, but can't cure their stupidity. This is dumb. She should not be allowed near computers anymore. Jen from IT Crowd has more common sense.
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    This is a clear example of stupidity (or at best shortsightedness).
  • -1

    I have every right to be arrogant. I have developed software since 1995 for money, and before that for fun. I can be arrogant. A freshman (or freshwoman for that matter) out of university can not.
  • 4
    I see one very easy mistake to make. Heck, if someone asks be a question while I'm typing, I can see myself making that mistake.
  • 1
    @irene @monkeyboy

    You want the rest of the story? There are 15 other classes in the very same file where this class was defined. Each one of them has token and Token. Like copy/paste. I could paste the whole file here if you like to examine it yourselves. Mrs. Junior copy/pasted it 15 times instead of creating a base class. When I was learning to write software, OOP was a relatively new idea. But these days it should be like programming 101.
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    Still, the picture clearly shows waste of code, storage, probably CPU cycles (depending on how good C# optimizes code), leads to confusion, makes me angry and wanting to hit something...
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    What was the question they were asking you when you typed this comment? It has a typo :P
  • 6
    @FuckJava I agree that's much worse. However, I have found that some of the most rewarding moments in my career have been mentoring a younger person. Regardless of her starting point, I think you and she both would have been rewarded by a transfer of knowledge from you to her. Not saying it would definitely have made her competent for the job she held, but maybe it would have.
  • 4
    @FuckJava Heck, any question. Especially, if you get interrupted in while copying/pasting & forget that you needed to modify something after the paste. Silly stuff, that just happens because the world tends to intrude upon one's concentration sometimes.
  • 1
    Okay so i never wrote c# and i dont really see any problems with this (if the setter gets generated or something) can you actually explain why is this wrong? Seems like a data class to me.

    Edit: except for the new byte part, i guess that reserves memory?
  • 1

    Property and underlying variable both are public
  • 1
    @FuckJava oh, somehow i didn't notice that lol
  • 5
    She’s a junior, just tell her what’s wrong
  • 3
    @FuckJava isn't it also fucked up that the var is initially a 16 byte array, but the setter lets you setting it to anything?

    that smells like shit code too...
  • 2
    @irene wtf are you even saying man?
    Your rationale is broken as fuck.

    Like let me deconstruct your comments:

    > How about explaining him what's wrong?

    As others here, you're assuming he didn't already.

    The correct comment is "did you explain to him what's wrong?"

    > this example you provided is not an indication of stupidity.

    Let's assume that the code posted isn't shit (which it is), let's assume it's just not great code.

    That does NOT exclude the posibility of other fuck ups.

    Why would you assume there are no other fuck ups? Someone's ranting about her code, chances are that not only she sucks at coding, but she also doesn't give a fuck.

    > You sound more like an arrogant mofo right now.

    He sounds like an angry man.
    I would take care when judging a man by his words while he's angry.

    When he details about her other fuck ups, you're like "well, you didn't include that".

    Well, fucking ask, investigate and reserve judgement until you get enough facts!!!!
  • 3
    @FuckJava hey man, at least she follows code style conventions and that's half the battle.
  • 2
    @spongessuck her following of code conventions is just a byproduct of her copy pasting skills
  • 1
    I may be wrong, but asking to fire a fellow colleague is a little too drastic.
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    She wasn't a fellow colleague. She was working in my department and my responsibility
  • 2
    Nice comments here!! So I have a question: who the fuck approved that code in a review? And if it wasn't reviewed; why the fuck not??
  • 0
    Her peer, who happened to be fired at the same time she was

    This code was gathering dust till I pulled it to see what they've been doing. Not impressed
  • 3
    Are you done? Without context this post makes op look arrogant to most people. Simple as that.
  • 1
    I don't care if I look bad. I am cleaning up a mess, and needed to vent.
  • 2
    @FuckJava i totally get that but this other guy is acting crazy over nothing lol
  • 0
    They are having a healthy argument over this crappy piece of code
  • 4
    Show us your code, mr. Senior ;)
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    “I have every right to be ignorant” Christ. On. A. Fucking. Bike.

    No, you have a right to self-confidence in your skills, but arrogance? Nah. That’s just called being a major cunt.

    *you* are precisely the archetypical reason why our industry is seen as being so exclusionary and elitist.

    You can be a socially-stunted autist without being an asshole.
  • 0
    We have to be elitist. When we make mistakes, bad things tend to happen.
  • 2
    @FuckJava no, we have to be professional. You can be a true professional without being an elitist asshole.

    I get that you are venting. But what absolutely mission critical software were you developing that warranted dumping the idea of properly mentoring someone because of this situation? And didn't you lose the chance to train someone properly?
    Its not like she is never going to work with code again man.
  • 0

    Payment software. Would you kindly explain to my bank's clients the reason we deduced $100 instead of $10 was a software error introduced due to shortsightedness of our developers?
  • 3
    @FuckJava that’s not on the developer. That’s on deploying clearly untested code.

    Developers are human, they’re not perfect, coding is hard, and requires far more than our brains can give, it’s why IDEs, autocomplete and unit tests exist.

    You might be a good dev, but there will *always* be someone better than you in some way, at some thing.

    Take a breath, get over yourself, get over the inflated sense of importance you treat your job as having (it’s not like you’re designing AI to perform open heart surgery), and chill the fuck out.

    You’re suffering from a very common “they’re not as good as me, so therefore they’re useless” mindset. Get over it. Fast.

    Because either you’ll get over it, or the universe will fuck you over for it. Trust me, been there, seen other people go through it.
  • 1
    @FuckJava @Brolls said it before me. I was really going to go at your company for deploying untested junior code. At that point the blame is on whatever senior/management let that happen. Not on the junior.

    I deal with highly sensitive data on a daily basis, i have 1 junior dev, dude fucks up sometimes on the newer stuff we teach him, its cool, we will mentor him and he will get better. Its a reflection of our skill and when the dude becomes an amazing dev he will remember how he was trained and do it to others.

    I am not trying to be offensive, but your professional attitude is just disgusting.
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    @AleCx04 @Brolls


    I will not be silenced until idiots stop calling themselves software engineers
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