
I've been informed that through some level of recognition and certification, today is "Password Day," seemingly in an attempt to encourage people to have strong passwords. I will do my part and say that if you're not using a password manager, you have missed out on years of your life.

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    Nah thx
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    Do your part and share the strongest password of yours with the world!
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    Talking about security, you can trust no one but yourself.

    I would never trust any password manager software.
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    Whatever your password maybe, it'd still be better than previous US nuclear launch codes
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    @ddephor that's actually terrible, password managers are actually really good at avoiding your passwords to be cracked even if the websites get hacked

    Sure there could be a scenario where your password manager has some vulnerability which could lead to everyone losing their passwords but that's a very rare scenario.

    You can also have password managers which are only local to your machine and encrypted at the same time, even if there's some vulnerability in the manager it wouldn't affect you since it's not connected to the internet
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    If you can trust no one but yourself, then you have no business using electronics in any capacity.
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    @Jilano lmao if you have that kinda adversaries targeting you, you're done fucked up
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    @justasithlord You can never trust any software you haven't understood 100%. And that is definitely 100% impossible.

    And today, even if the software is bug- and manipulation-free, even the hardware could contain parts that spy on you.

    It's always a trade-off between security and comfort. But for something simple but important as a few passwords I would never go for the comfort.
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    @ddephor I have 32 character passwords for like 10-15 services I use and different passwords for each and everyone
    Sure it's ok to be a bit paranoid regarding software and hardware issues now more than ever but if you actually want to go around and look how major of the services are spying on you and how they use your data, believe me you'd give up everything if you don't want that to happen
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