Do you think this is a stupid tech stack to create a sleep tracking app? Angular as the frontend and Wordpress rest api as backend. I need to use these for a college project...

  • 7
    Thats gotta be a contestant for "worst stack 2019"
  • 1
    You need both as the college requirement?
  • 2
    Yeah, the hell? Wordpress backend???
  • 3
    Wp has nothing to do with this... It's not meant to provide APIs.

    Angular fe - yeah, sure. But using cms to publish api is neither good for the api [too much overhead, bugs in wp, etc], nor will you learn wp [there is no CONTENT in APIs]

    I say go w/ angular and raw [lwx]ampp stack if you must use php
  • 1
    What exactly do you need the api to do? If it's just something simple, you can look into firebase perhaps. It's a bit tough to give a concrete answer without knowing why you want to use wp as a backend.

    Going with angular is completely fine in my mind though.
  • 2
    @ganjaman hahahahaha I should show my teacher this after I passed ;) Edit: We actually had the chance to also use the Drupal rest api instead of wordpress as backend, but nobody used it I think. God...
  • 1
    @dudeking wordpress rest api yes
  • 1
    Wow thats shitty. If i were you, id write pure php code in the wordpress index page and use that as a rest api.
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