I effing hate Google Play & Google Play Console.

I've uploaded an app and the troubles haven't ended. It is a different error on different devices. Some of them are compile time, some of them run time, some of them just functions the way its not suppose to. And the worst part is that there is no way to track these errors. Google Play Console is utter Horse crap. People tell me that my app crashes and the console reports "nothing to show" under the crashes page.

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    You're doing it wrong. Be happy you publish for Android and not apple!
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    If I am doing it wrong, please tell me what I gotta fix. Please.
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    I can't tell without more details. I'm just thinking about the common problems, modern stuff with large compatabillity.

    I mean, it really can be hard to write secure code that scopes many versions. As far as I can remember Android also pushes just too aggressively, not really thinking about upgradability/maintainability.

    Typical Google things. Microsoft really does that great. Apple goes fast but at least helps you with the way they want it.

    I've been caught reading multiple definitions of the same API that drastically changed from version to version.

    Anyways, I'm not doing Android anymore. PWA rules them all (sorry)
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    Use Sentry, that will auto detect crashes
    As for Apple thingy, it is much worse, but lets just focus on your problem now, use Sentry and no need for users to report it will auto report.

    But I don't understand what you meant by something works not as expected, and something doesn't work, you mean in your app or Google Play console?
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    So the app works fine on my phone.

    But each person who downloaded it, has reported a different error.

    And what is sentry? how do I use sentry?
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    @OnurOz92 You just add their sdk to your app and whenever it crashes you will see logs on your sentry console, give it a try, its free
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    @010001111 then there are device specific permissions
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    @OnurOz92 crashlytics is also good for tracking bugs and runtime problems.
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    So my app is a meme generator. You upload an image, add captions and save it. Pretty simple, right?

    One user reported that it just crashes at startup. This was due to the fucking proGuard. I was able to fix it.

    One user reported that, despite granting storage permissions, the app wouldn't save the bitmap. Didn't crash. Just wouldn't save it.

    One user reported that it crashed when he hit the save button.

    So I wonder if this Sentry framework will be able to detect errors of this sort.

    This is my app: github.com/oo92/memegenerator

    This is the Google Play link:
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    @OnurOz92 yes it would, simple setup sentry ci so that it uploads debugging symbols to be able to decode crash logs when they arrive.

    But I was wondering, if your app is open source, why using proguard?
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    @OnurOz92 I saw in your code this:
    void logWithStaticAPI() {

    Sentry.getContext().recordBreadcrumb(new BreadcrumbBuilder().setMessage("User made an action").build());

    Sentry.getContext().setUser(new UserBuilder().setEmail("hello@sentry.io").build());

    Sentry.capture("This is a test");

    try {unsafeMethod();}

    catch (Exception e) {Sentry.capture(e);}

    THere is no need for that, once you setup sentry (which you already do in your MainActivity.java) then it will auto detect any crash, that code above is to manually log events.
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    @gitpush I put that in every class lmao.

    So the code in onCreate is all I need?
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    @OnurOz92 Yes just initialize Sentry and it will auto detect crashes. Good luck
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    @gitpush Thanks bud.

    Btw. I keep my source code on Github for resume.
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