Why the hell can't I use both

  • 15
    It's a feature, not a bug...
  • 2
    @M1sf3t ~2016
  • 11
    This feels like the Xbox 360 thing.
    They didn't write code for how to handle rca AND HDMI, so instead, they used a proprietary port for rca and made the cable cover the HDMI.

    You could pick one, but they're JUSSSSST a bit too close to manag both.

    Rather than even writing code just to say "we don't support this multi tv thing you're trying. Sorry" they just solved it with plastic.

    I think eventually some knockoff brands made cables that fit and some people trimmed up the plastic on the original cables. But I don't remember how well that worked for them if at all.

    I'd recommend just cutting the connector down.
  • 30
  • 11
    Works on asus x555L
  • 11

    * sees Portal /Aperture *
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  • 4
    Classic case of "unittest covered both individually, but not both at the same time."
  • 1
    is that an asus laptop? you should be thankful you have both in the first place lol. I struggle daily with my hdmi to vga converter :(
    I guess you can't use both because it might be a bit much on your processor ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  • 3
    @FiT3 damn, I'm totally stealing this portal screensaver for my screens :)
  • 1
    Because people at asus are retarded. Easiest way is to just saw off the side of the cable.
  • 1
    So you'll buy the extension
  • 1
    In previous workplace this was fixed by cutting off the part that covered the HDMI-port. Problem solved.
  • 0
    Cable: Becuz muh space!!
  • 0
    Lol, that has happened 2 me a lot. Even with usb ports and vga port.
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