
Internet in Germany.

  • 1
    Looks crooked
  • 1
    Internet explorer pinned 😨
  • 1
    Lol i got 5 mb/s down in germany.
  • 0
    Update pic 😂
  • 1
    Until a month ago I had similar speeds. But after I decided to upgrade my connection I now have 10 MB/s...
  • 1
    I have the same internet speed. I live on the east coast of the US
  • 2
    *laughs in 1 Gb/s from Romania*
  • 2
    Deutschland, Deutschland über alles
  • 0
    I’m seriously surprised you’re getting that speed in Germany, unless you tell me you’re outside of any city or town. I assumed you’d have leading infrastructure over there. Are you sure the problem is not with the server?
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