
I always thought J2EE was like a completely different thing from general Java. It has features like Enterprise management beans, special packages and has it's on Project type, structure in IDEs.

But it seems like it's not actually that different? If you use Spring, Hibernate, custom library annotations and build a Servlet, web server with @POST, @GET or use Serialization... And maybe use JDK instead of JRE, Maven, Ant... apparently that's considered J2EE?

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    Use JDK instead of JRE?
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    Jee is just java for people who live in 2009
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    @asgs You can compile Java using either a JRE or JDK distribution I think. But for more advanced features and things like Maven,Android Studio (Gradle?) It will complain unless the project is set to build with a JDK.
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    @billgates no, JRE doesn't compile anything
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    @ganjaman yes maybe... If you've worked at a big company and use Java, that means you know J2EE...
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    Jre is java runtime environment, used to run compiled .jars
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    @billgates as you can see in the picture you attached, its a list of JRE added to your IDE, because JDK has the full JRE inside it it can be used as a java runtime environment as well (aka JRE). The list tells the IDE where to find the runtime environment in which the built project should be run. However th build itself requires a JDK. The warning comment on top shows that you set the IDE to allow java 1.8 syntax but the selected JRE would not be able to run the built app if you actually used higher level syntax than java 1.7 supported by the selected JRE (actually JDK 1.7 is selected but I already explained that)
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