Have to use a 3rd party API which responds to all requests like

status: 200,
status: 'fail' / 'pass',
data: { data}

Should I be sad?

P.S. They ask for a 'userName'

  • 12
  • 4
    Don't be sad. Rage, rage against this fucking awful bullshit.

    Never accept.
  • 3
    I've seen this shit way too many times. Sometimes by large companies that have the funding to know/do better.
  • 1
    Let me guess... They didn't manage to solve a circular dependency issue with doctrine.
  • 3
    @dmonkey pretty sure they don't even know what that is..
  • 4
  • 2
    Do they also ask for a ‘passWord’?
  • 3
    The devrant API does:

    {"Success":true, ... }

    For every call.
  • 3
    My API does:

    { "rawdata": { ... } }
    When it is just proxying data.
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