
Got the distro hop bug again... Currently running elementary (fucking love it) but in need of some temporary change...

Thinking I might give Fedora a go or maybe jump back into arch for a bit, any other decent recommendations (prefer not to use debian based distributions just for some difference)

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    I liked void when I used it for a bit a couple years ago.
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    If you like elementary and arch I think you'd like Solus.

    I never liked Fedora despite its clout.
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    *Real* devs make their own distro from scratch 😤

    jk, check out LFS though
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    I only use Arch nowadays so I'm probably no help, but based solely on how nice Budgie looks, I'd say give Solus a try.
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    @Alice pffft I've been using Arch for 3 years! And I'll probably be installing something else soon, but that's not the point! :p
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    @RememberMe I always wanted to try out an LFS system, but I already know that I don't have the processing power to compile everything right now. Maybe once I build a new desktop (gonna go with Ryzen for them threads). Same reason I haven't used Gentoo yet. I don't want to have to basically set aside my PC for a bit so shit can compile.
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    @infernalempress you sure? Since you're doing it from scratch it works just fine when done over time on an older PC. I've set up a reeeallly minimal LFS using a 2014 el cheapo ULV i5 laptop, no issues. It was actually way more than needed, that thing compiled the entire LLVM suite (with Polly and the tests and extensions) just fine as well, and that's fairly heavy.
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    @RememberMe I mainly mean that compiling shit would take a while, and ain't nobody got time for that
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    @infernalempress you can interleave compiling with regular work since regular work usually barely takes any computing power. Just restrict the number of jobs for the build process.

    Just thought of something else, @lxmcf you could give the BSDs a try.
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    I freaking love Slackware. But I wanted gnome shell so installed Debian. Then after a few failed upgrades moved to Fedora. But was never could get dnf system-upgrade to work properly. Ditched it altogether and installed Manjaro. I am content. Also, enabled the blackarch repo recently and I've been binge installing penetrating tools ever since.
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    @RememberMe One of the guys I work with actually uses FreeBSD and recommended it, he did say it's a pain to find native programs though...
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