
We just had a big drama because our team leader discovered 2 of our projects use 79 character line limit. He changed it to 80 and reformatted all the code.

What is wrong with this world?

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    Coding is an OCD business. If we stopped worrying about pointless shit like that, then suddenly we're no caring about edge cases, etc and the world starts to burn.

    It's the price of being in this business.

    But, there's usually someone more OCD than me on any team, so I let them knock themselves out. Then I show them Prettier and Black. I'm cruel like that.
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    @platypus there is fine line though. Good to have A style guide in place. When I first joined team I used to give everyone shit for being ocd with code reviews and now I’m like. “Holy shit I can’t read anyone’s code cause there is 0 convention.” I draw the line at indentation, whitespacing, and character limits. Didn’t know those were a thing (would be unreasonable in xamarin where sometimes you have to use a fully qualified variable name that is 40 characters long)
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    @land do you by chance have vim programmers? Or why 80 or 79 out of curiosity
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    Made me laugh. We have all code restricted to 110. I once tried to establish why. Turned out our ex-ex-ex-ex lead arbitrarily decided it's the longest line that can fit his screen with his font settings when comparing two files side-by-side.
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    @NSGangster 79 was because that's the default recommended by PEP8. Why 80 all of the sudden - I have no idea.
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    @NSGangster @landmaj I use VIM, it has nothing to do with the editor, my normal setting is 128 chars because I like it. 80 is the old days standard established by a wise book that still based examples on punched cards. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/...
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    @cprn interesting read. I’m a younger dev and have only heard ancient tales of the power vim users. Ty for the read
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    I mean he needs to calm down, it's not like you guys used 4 spaces instead of tab...
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    @cprn same here. I work with Swift (iOS) developers who have ours set to 120 because it looks good on github PR reviews.

    It is an unimaginable fucking pain in the ass, and the code is fucking horrible to read. Tried to get them to change, they are considering moving it to 140.
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