Why would someone block the ability to inspect a website? Like I just found one but he forgot to block ctrl + u. He also blocked ctrl + shift + i.

  • 5
    And you can ofcourse just use chromes sourceview, or curl
  • 7
    So I want you to write and publish a book, but I want you to prevent people from reading the letters so they can't steal the story
  • 6
    And it's totally pointless to block that, I guess they thought they were super smart.
  • 6
    @possum It's annoying like... the funny thing is it is from a developer his portfolio site...
  • 6
    @thatguyatwork Wow, that's actually hilarious, especially on a portfolio. I mean that only shows that someone has no clue right?
  • 11
    @possum It's like they are scared to show their 'dirty' code....
  • 7
    @thatguyatwork Yup, or they think that's how security is done. Either way it is comedy gold.
  • 2
    Because HTML is serious business.
  • 1
    @possum yea dude haha, but I did 'hack' his website with ctrl + u...
  • 1
    @thatguyatwork Damn, I think I‘m calling the Feds now
  • 2
    It's even more pointless considering Shift + Right click in Firefox always opens a context menu that allows opening the Inspector...
  • 3
    That was kinda cool in the 90s, along with disabling right click to prevent people from retrieving the images. And yeah, it told "clueless wannabe noob dev" right away.
  • 2
    This oughta keep all the looky-loos minding their own business.
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