
You're never really lost until you have no internet and nano isn't installed .-.

  • 13
  • 7
    @RememberMe *internal ree intensifies*
  • 4
    *looking at these vi/vim/emacs/nano battles*

    Dunno, I wouldn't trade Notepad++ for any of those.
  • 7
    @Fast-Nop stone tablets are superior man
  • 6
    Edit the bytes
  • 4
    @Stuxnet Pfft give them 50% transparency, call them "gems", and devs will jump onto them like a shepherd on his goats.
  • 6
    @rutee07 I prefer the garlic method. Not only it keeps vampires away, but even better, people.
  • 5
    @M1sf3t vampires suck, literally. The more sophisticated ones just on your wallet.

    Also, I'm more on the werewolf side anyway. Even got a tattoo. ^^
  • 4
    @M1sf3t sure, Werewolves would code in C, with assembly on fullmoon.

    Vampires would choose something full of wisdom like Haskell, but without real world usage.

    Both would leave JavaScript for mortals. ;-)
  • 4
    @M1sf3t Nola as a whole is one big giant "nope" tbh lol
  • 6
    "full of wisdom like Haskell, but without real world usage"
  • 2
    @ewpratten there is no debate nano > everything else
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