Fucking hate when business people says this to me:
- You have no time to do this, we will find somebody else to do it. (EXCUSE ME? how do you know I have no time? If have no time I WILL TELL YOU)
- Your team is too busy, we will outsource that (IF THAT it's a priority, we WILL DO THAT, fuck you, I'll tell you if we need to outsource or not)
- Requirements are too complex to do now. We will think about it and we will tell you, maybe it's just enough to add a column to db (WHAT? WHAT THE FUCK IS too complex? I didn't even see anything we can call requirement, nor speak with relevant people, so how do you fucking know they are complex if you don't know shit about dev and our platform)

It's true, I have no time, because I don't fucking understand what do you want, so I'm running all day and night doing useless things.

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    yes. And the worst thing is that really a lot of people experience the same problem, and know the reason. But still nobody is able to change the situation.

    The most frustrating thing is inability (or incapacity?) to change things.
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