In 3 years of coding, I have yet to meet another person who codes... In real life. Where is everyone

  • 2
    Go find some meet-ups
  • 12
    I’m standing behind you
  • 4
    With a knife.
  • 5
    @metamourge No, that's me.
  • 3
    I know exactly what you're saying. I come from a smaller (kind've famous - meaning, someone else should care, right?) town in middle-upstate New York and I LOVE development. It's that.. calling, you know? But, I've never met another soul who actually gives a fuck about it. It's so strange. At least there's the internet?..
  • 6
    "local devs in your area waiting for you"
  • 1
    I am curious where do you live tho...
  • 2
    I used to be in the same way situation, a decade ago, then at university level I went in a school where 33% of the students are in computer science. Just before that I was "Yeah will definitely find lots a similar guy to make awesome project with" ... but hee, most of them just want to learn code because IT has a bright future, but they don't give a shit at the end of the day.

    The only exceptions are the computer science club members (Even if it doesn't make any sens that a club like this exist in a IT school) who are truly passionate guys

    Thing are better now that I work as a dev
  • 1
    @munichong the Eastern shore of Maryland in the States. Middle of nowhere
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    @Lor-inc not everyone got that.. 😜
  • 1
    where do you live man ?
  • 1
    Can't speak for the others, but I'm usually at home
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    @LOLjustCoding Can't help those who never visited the shady internet.
  • 0
    @metamourge with an unknownPersonException
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