
So apparently Docker exposes all the forwarded ports on *all* the interfaces, making all running containers available to the entire internet BY DEFAULT.
I have a question:

  • 6
    There's a difference between 'expose' and 'publish/ports'

    Perhaps try a docker network and expose? 🤔
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    @endor expose exposes a port to a docker network, so only other containers can access it. Using -p or 'ports' exposes them publicly

    Or am I confusing your rant with something else?
  • 2
    So blissful not knowing what the fuck You guys are talking about. Have at it.
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    @alexbrooklyn oh, that - yeah, I was talking about the -p parameter. Wouldn't it be a safer (and saner) default to only expose on localhost, and only optionally on (or any other interface), rather than the other way around?

    I'm just starting out with docker, and I can't figure out for the life of me why would anyone consider that a reasonable default - especially for containers running on servers, which might accidentally expose sensitive applications to the internet.

    (Also, I'm really annoyed that it overwrote my iptables-save file - lucky me I always keep backups)
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    @grumpyoldaf you're not missing out on much tbh
  • 4
    Yes docker has its own iptables config, I usually use a firewall on my hosting panel instead of iptables to protect my servers

    I also find it weird that 'expose' means opening a port on a container in an internal network while 'port' is for opening a port on the host, they seem to be the opposite of what they are named after

    There are probably reasons for the iptables override, but I hope that you now see the difference between port and expose 😉
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    @alexbrooklyn yeah, I'm reading about these things right now. I'm setting up networking the way *I* want it before I run any container at all - stuff like this is exactly why.

    I just wish I didn't have to be this paranoid about safe network settings every time I add something new.

    Fortunately there's a switch to disable the iptables override

    (Also, my VPS has no firewall settings in the hosting panel, so it's iptables or nothing - and tbh I'm ok with that, at least I have more advanced control over the settings, rather than being limited by an interface)
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    U don't read docs naa? docker run -p ubuntu bash only publishes to localhost
    Src: https://docs.docker.com/engine/...
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    @Minion yes, I read that. Did you read my comments? My point is, the default behaviour of "-p 80:80" should be to publish on localhost only, and it should require extra details to publish on all interfaces (ie "-p").

    That way, there's an additional safety net to prevent apps from being exposed to the internet with no protection - which should be necessary, given how blatantly Docker overrides all previous iptables settings by adding its own rules on top.
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