
I don't see any job for application cracker :/
Sth like bug bountry but for android or windows applications.
Do U know any ?

  • 1
    Why would this be a full time job?
  • 1
    @kamen not a full time,
    Just a challenge
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    @R1100 I think that if you find a vulnerability in an app, the developer/publisher will be happy to pay you, especially if it's a bigger one. I don't know all the details about how to present this as a white-hat activity (and not get sued instead), but there should be a way.
  • 1
    @kamen that's good ! If only that does not make any trouble
  • 2
    You mean something like penetration tester? That’s a normal job.
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    @ExGetMessage yes but for web app
    I've never seen such challenges for windows/linux apps.
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    @R1100 i actually pepare pentest amis(amazon machine images) and deploy them for our guys to test their skills.

    Have you tried hackthebox.eu? If its just for the challenge. I don‘t know bug bounties for stuff like that though since linux is open source ;)

    But well, that‘s also part of the pentester job. It‘s not just web app security.
  • 1
    @ExGetMessage yes! Done them all
    Including root-me.org , hackthis , hackthissite , ...
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