I'm not really satisfied with any of the major smarthome systems out there, so I'm making my own and using it as a learning experience. What I've learned so far, is that I suck at naming...

Best thing I can come up with is EasyDIYHome....

  • 2
    Annoying and useleSS, ASS for short
  • 0
    how about
  • 1
    @electrineer alternative capitalization: ANnoying and USeless
    Choose whichever better suits your image.
  • 2
    Better make it two products
    ASS and ANUS
    ANUS, being the core part, is deeply integrated into ASS.
  • 2
    How about "homeopathy"? (It's alternative and telepathy for your home. If you do it right)

    Or "CasaBrava" (at least fitting until you got it stable and secure 😅)
  • 1
    I'd call it SmartASS - Smart Automation System Solution
  • 0
    @ddephor the "system solution" sounds to much like you try to make the acronym work.

    I will forever read: smart automatic sanitary systems.
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