Someone talk to me while I am busy.

Him: I think this table is in the wrong place.
Me:... Excuse me, I didn't hear you, what did you say?
Him: it's in the wrong place..

WHAT is in the wrong place motherfucker.. I didn't hear the whole sentence.. what the shit..

Someone else or it's just me?

  • 3
    Haha my colleague all of the time 😂
  • 1
    When I misunderstand something, I rephrase whatever I understood as question, with some sense of astonishment. Usually, it doesn't have anything to do with what the other one said.

    In your case, it could have been something like "the cable is in the bong maze?!"

    Then the other one will repeat completely.
  • 0
    He is in wrong place, he should be in hell.
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