
New programming language alarm!
The V Language sets the goal to compete with Rust and Go. It's main advantage is appearantly it's efficiency and speed. You can build a basic web server with only 65kb file size.

  • 16
    Edit: actually looks interesting, but I'm interested in why they're pushing compile speed over everything else (lack of other features?)
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    V for Vendetta
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    @RememberMe i could see this in combination with WebAssembly where small file size and fast load times matter.
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    65kb? An executable including all the libs [incl .dll/.so]?
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    @netikras i guess so, as the foundation of this project, slack chat client volt is only 300kb.
  • 4
    I have been following the language for some time. It looks awesome.

    Gonna learn in this weekend.
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    Sure hot reloading is awesome and the focus on graphic stuff like guis, awesome, but what is like the real advantage? The write about direct machine code generation. Nice I guess, but you'll miss out on the whole LLVM optimisation, what I do like is their memory management (same as rust at compile time), also pure functions are intriging.

    Let's see, wher it ends up.
  • 2
    There was a post on Lobsters recently about how "V is for Vaporware." Looks like there's not much of the magic implemented yet; not even remotely close.
  • 5
    "Both single and double quotes can be used to denote strings (TODO: double quotes are not supported yet)" 🤦‍♂️
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    Reading the promise I would have hoped this would be a viable replacement for Go that would be fast enough to write graphical applications in.

    Unfortunately, this does not seem to be the case. For one, since there is no global state nor any channels there is no apparent way for routines to comunicate (maybe through shared mutable arguments?).

    Secondly, the memory model sounds bogus. Apparently, the compiler inserts free() statements automatically, and when it can't you will have to do it manually? In my view, you can either have the user manage memory (as in C), or have the compiler/runtime do it for you (garbage collection/reference counting). Trying to have the performance of the first approach and the simplicity of the second by an in-between thing is how you get memory leaks (see C++).

    There are some other quirks (no private functions?), but overall I quite like it, and wish the developers all the best. It just needs some work before it becomes viable; at least imo
  • 0
    @vlads Variables

    To change the value of the variable use =. In V, variables are immutable by default. To be able to change the value of the variable, you have to declare it with mut.
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    @heyheni Yeah, I got that. I didn't say anything about it though.
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    Another Lang.. Another Dollar
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    V as in vaporware: https://christine.website/blog/...

    TLDR; the dev is a CS guy with basic compiler lecture knowledge and no experience. Forget about V.
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    @Fast-Nop wasn't the node.js founding story 10 years ago about the same? I would give it a year.
    As i see potential of V beeing used on the web with WebAssembly.
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    @heyheni Potential for what? A lot of things that the dev has no idea of even how to solve them, but that will at some point surely be done? Yeah sure.

    It's not like we have any shortage of languages. In fact, we have too many of them, just like Linux distros.
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    @heyheni why with web assembly? Currently the best suited language for wasm is probably rust, as it has the best tooling (since mozilla uses it for their inhouse wasm stuff...) Otherwies probably C++ or C# as there are libraries which are usefull for certain computations and they do have the userbase.

    Wasm is cool. V sounds good, but let's see... However I don't see a reason, why V should be the perfect solution for Wasm, especially given it's not using LLVM.
  • 1
    V is for vagina
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    @nam17887 I think this instance is more than 65b...
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    Here you go *proudly*
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    And your transition 'd be
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    @scor haha, I totally missed it damnit
  • 2
    "Basic web server"
    only few 10 of kB
    Is framework included or now?
    Because if it isnt then JS can also do "Basic website" with few kB as well.

    Also 1999 called they want their "Basic websites" back.
    PHP is on the line after them.
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    @Gregozor2121 Quite some websites don't need server side scripting at all, that's why static websites are on the rise again. More performance, more security, less maintenance hassle.
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    @Fast-Nop there are even wordpress plugin dumping all possible pages in finisged html files, which can then be put on S3 or something (and optionally cached by varnish). Probably the only way to propperly secure wordpress :P (you'll need some service for comments though and also an api for contact forms, but "serverless" comes to your rescue there...)
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