.NET Core experience so far is amazing and refreshing from dying Microsoft developer perspective.

  • 1
    Its pretty amazing from a *nix developers perspective as well, Microsoft seems to be doing a lot of things right lately..
  • 1
    Ture, feeling is like moving from economic to business class 😝😝
  • 1
    Yes, cross platform is one of the reason why .net core is getting popular
  • 3
    Oh man I stood up some nifty APIs in no time using .NET Core on a Linux machine this shit is amazeballs!
  • 2
    What does "dying Microsoft developer perspective" mean?
  • 1
    @AleCx04: Microsoft has been great in history but didn't evolve as much as they should have been compare to other competitors. But now it's like it's back on track.
  • 1
    I completely agree, and it’s only getting better.
  • 1
    @saurabh-mridul Didn’t evolve much? On what scale?
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