
I've been learning java back end web since November last year. A month ago I've tried JS/React and have fallen for it. All my back end guys are hating on me now, because, as they say, I'm not "an intellectual" anymore but a just JS pleb 🌩ī¸đŸŒŠī¸
Wrong people to talk to i guess :sigh:

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    @desmondanimus Oh yes, I'm embracing the ecosystem and i love it. Definitely better than to listen to people ranting about JSPs lol
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    I recently tried out React and it's actually not so bad, but boy do I hate seeing JS just throwing around arrays of NaN and undefined when something goes wrong. Feels like Java's NullpointerException but you first have to find out where the hell it occurs.
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    @deadlyRants Gotta love the NPE's🤮
    I'm leaning towards TS for React, it should help with those i think.
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    @rutee07 Yep, literally
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    Looking down on someone who knows more? Take a guess who the actual idiots are.
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    @possum That's why i added the 'narrow minded' tag. The best people i know are really versitale.
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    On another note :D if you like how nicely one can build microservices with Node and want to use Java as well you can try Spring Boot :D nothing wrong with Node etc, I love Node. But it is always good to know how to do shit in other stacks.

    Plus, Spring Boot is always in demand.
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    @AleCx04 I'm actually working with Spring Boot but I've realized that i have 0% fun or engagement working with it. It may be the fact that I've hooked myself with JS and that the 'over engneered' nature of java and the shit ton amounts of boilerplate killed the fun, so I'm actually eager to jump onto and learn the whole MERN stack.
    Full stack JS developers are in high demand, expecially for freelancing. Java not so much. At least on Upwork.
    I mean every tool has an use, but for the things i want to do, Java is kinda meh in comparison to JS.
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    @d9viant i get contacted every day for reslly high paying Spring Boot jobs whereas in JS they normally offer shit pay where I am at(Texas, US) 🤷‍♂ī¸
    The MERN stack is fun, i just dislike how unwieldy it can get if ones team starts to fuck up, which has been my experience. Fucking shit up with Boot is harder since it forces people into design patterns.
    I still love Node, just wish they would offer me the same amount they do for Java and with the same quality devs.
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    @AleCx04 I'm still a noob for the Js stack, but I believe that (if you know) you can still effectively apply the design patterns. It boils down to the human factor in the end :D
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    Lol "not an intellectual", "js pleb". Excuse my while I laugh on my way to the bank.

    Feel free to through this picture in their face next time they imply you need a simple mind to dominate FE work :D
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    @Sunsette I'm pretty much aware, but they underestimate everything they don't know because they are not the best at what they are actually doing it seems.
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    @d9viant yeah sounds like it. Insecure noob developers are the worst.
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    @Sunsette Insecure all in all, the amount of toxic stuff i got from them after i realized that i don't enjoy talking about frigging Hibernate is too much
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    @d9viant it really does man. They got some really awesome tools. Eventially check out Adonis.js :D its a fully integrated Node framework. One can get some really heavy mileage just by using Express and currently there is a lot of good stuff to learn from Koa. Its an exiting ecosystem and I am sure you will love it :D
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    @AleCx04 Yo, thanks for Adonis, it looks really neat!
    Yeah, it sure is exciting. I love the feeling that you are actually "going with the times" by doing modern trending tech. 🙌đŸģđŸ’Ģ
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    I fell for JS after finding FeathersJS - changed my life for good. Switching most of our shit buggy java micoservices to feathers - probabably saved several million euros for the company past few years.
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    @Avimelekh Made a bookmark! :)
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