Anyone got experience turning a Raspberry Pi 3+ into a mini Ubuntu server running Postgres and some other shit. Seems like a heap of steps and was it worth it? Looking for a little testing server travel buddy.

  • 4
    Why must it be Ubuntu?
  • 6
    Isn't the setup the same as for any Linux server besides copying the image at first?

    Copy the images, apt install ..., add postgres database user, done?
  • 2
    No big deal, I suppose.

    There is an Ubuntu image for Raspi, just flash it and install whatever you need.

    Or just go with a regular raspbian, no big difference to ubuntu.

    It will not have massive computing power for big data or the like, but for a bit of testing it's ok.
  • 1
    Why not use docker?
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    @kescherRant because production uses Ubuntu server instances so it’s best to mirror production as closely as possible.
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    @sbiewald yeah it’s was retard level simple compared to the wiki instructions I was reading. Not sure what the fuck all of that was about but it popped up a few times I thought it was the way... rookie move on my part.
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    @ddephor Yeah, it doesn’t have to do much and I’ll just be testing so let’s see. :)
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    @arcsector never actually used docker yet. Haven’t had a chance or time to add something new to the list... I’ve seen a few rants about it too so I wasn’t in a rush lol.
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    @badcopnodonuts thats like saying "oh i've seen a few rants about programming so i dont think i meed to learn it just yet." Lol

    Docker is where the industry is headed!
  • 0
    @arcsector yes it is but it added to the lack of immediate motivation in my extremely limited spare time to fuck with something new. Never said I wouldn’t as it’s become a common thing to use and I’m sure I can pick it up in no time once I get around to it.
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