
It’s great how HR tells you to report to work on your first day to your line manager, but also tells you to attend training in another country before you start working, BUT they don’t tell you when the training is, how stuff will be paid for, or how to contact anyone in the company to find this info out

  • 3
    ...enjoy your first day..!
  • 1
    Definitely sounds like the harbinger of what to expect while working there. If HR is a clusterfuck, chances are everything else is too.
  • 0
    @badcopnodonuts sure if there is any department in an organisation that doesn't function right it might indicate the entire organisation has structural issues. But it's far from a given. One incompetent footsoldier or overworked department can be the cause of this experience.
  • 0
    I’m so glad HR at my new job isn’t like this. There were some uncertainties because my previous job let me go 2 months earlier than planned. So I had to fix plane ticket and hotel myself. But I got it all refunded right after my 2 weeks of “training”, e.g. meet with the team in Oslo and drink coffee for 2 weeks.

    Plus, I get dietary money, 780 NOK pr day, and deduct 20% if breakfast is included, 30% if lunch and 50% if dinner.
  • 0
    @hjk101 That is true. But generally HR is a Pivotel hub in the wheel and if HR doesn’t have their shit together, how they manage the human part of their job generally cascades out.
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