Sleeps at 4AM
Wakes up at 1PM
My Mind: Ready to code again.
Also me: Why not learn to code with vim. I think it's about time

Vim: I dare you to exit Motherfucker

  • 2
    Vim is best learnt when you decide to do it and you decide, don't delay it or you'll have second thoughts. Also, try this command in normal mode
    It deletes text inside quote and puts you in insert mode
  • 2
    vimtutor is a great place to start. That's what I did when I started with vim in 2001.
  • 1
    I actually want to learn Emacs, no idea why it look so compelling to me.
    And yea my schedule is
    Sleeps at 2AM , Wakes up at 10AM.
  • 0

    :q! (ie: "quit, dammit!")
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