Yesterday, I came to the office a little late and found there's no coffee, so I set myself to make some. After making it, some of my coworkers told me that the boss wants us to use less coffee powder when making coffee and has gone as far as specifying the amount for a full pot. I think in the US, they drink coffee-flavored water because that's what it looks and tastes now. So I guess it's either no coffee for me or to buy my own coffee powder as my coworkers don't want to protest over this.

  • 7
    What a bunch of pussies. And what a bean counter boss moron.
  • 5
    the FUCK???
  • 0
    Lol, my company makes it too strong for me. Has a bitter taste and they use a crappy brand. When I make coffee I make it weaker. I am grating on some people I think because I am using tap water instead of bottled water to make coffee. It tastes the same to me. Also, our city water is really really clean so meh.
  • 1
    @Fast-Nop ha, a LITERAL bean counter. Nice.
  • 0

    Dude! Somebody will take that literally and they will be quoted as saying, "The devrant voices told me to kill them all."
  • 0
    @halfflat Thanks for the idea
  • 1
    @rutee07 He is a cool guy and the job is great. It's just that the culture is different and I am drinking coffee since I was young (and it was strong then). So for me, it does not make sense but I guess he thinks that we are just wasting stuff. I will talk to him and get that resolved.
  • 4
    Just put two times the approved amount and say you're saving water.
  • 0
    Jeez. We get all you can drink kcups. Not as good as fresh ground coffee, but can't hate on unlimited free caffeine.
  • 0
    Who's actually checking? Has your boss implemented a coffee machine surveillance program?
  • 0
    @josap Coworkers. It's a small and open office so if they make a fuss, the boss may notice. And they do.
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