Richard Stallman.

Software must be free in order to empower it's users. GNU/Linux wouldn't exist without this person, and open-source would be a tired and sad joke if it wasn't for free software.

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    @Stuxnet lmao you know how I feel about Stallman. Still, far be it for me tl shit on someone's hero, specially one that causes no harm man haha.
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    @Haxk20 Well. I do think of myself as being pretty educated on the matter and would love for you to elaborate.
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    @Haxk20 I understand that this might be a bit annoying. I think though RMS does this for the reason of being very specific and to draw attention to the fact that this Linux we all love, is more than "Just Linux".

    Is that all to criticise here? I expected a bit more than "he uses a different name for a thing", from your previous comment.
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    @Haxk20 he's perfect for the job he does - being the extremist on the copyleft side of the spectrum. you don't have to agree with him on everything (i sure as hell don't), but you gotta admit that he is a good counterweight to the corporations and whatnot.
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