
Found a Gameboy mostly-buried on the side of the interstate. Hadn't been long as it's uniform color and part of it was unburied, but it works, so i'm keeping it. Who the fuck takes the time to bury a DMG next to an interstate and why???

  • 7
    Oh shit, "the eagle has flown the coup!". I repeat, "the eagle has flown the coup!".
  • 2
    hey sell it to me
  • 1
    That's a really good find
  • 6
    @Humanoid- My dad found it, actually. But yes.

    The correlation is pretty interesting, now that you remind me...
  • 1
    @Tylord89 no, i'm keeping it
  • 7
    Sounds like the beginning of a creepypasta...

    you sure you want to take that with you?
  • 9
    Found gameboy buried on the side of the road.

    Found hard drive buried in forest.




    Just got the domain name: DigUpMoreRam.com
  • 1
    @Demolishun yeah lol

    2 is a coincidence, 3 is a pattern, or some such...
  • 5
    Maybe it's a portal to another world.

    You should light some candles while holding it over head in front of a mirror for too long chanting "I want to be the very best, like no one ever was. OHM CHAKA CHAKA CHAKA!"
  • 3
    @Wisecrack demons of today need video proof and yt link
  • 3
    Do you say you've dug stuff when you've just bought it

    Must be a recent lingo thing
  • 1
    Was there a game in it?
  • 1
    @Teknas no, actually dug it out of the ditch. My dad found the HDD a few months ago, but there was an old landfill nearby and he was flattening acres of land, so the probability was pretty high for him to find something overall.
  • 1
    @terraria99 Sadly, no. No batteries either
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