
*Designs front-end sends it to my boss*
Boss: Looks good. No changes needed.
*Hosts the design*
Boss: Ah, well these icons need to be different maybe and this font is too boring, try something else.
*Cries internally*

  • 1
    @Jilano precisely xD
    And after the launch he'll bombard me with errors :)
  • 1
    Same happened to me last week...

    Me: shop is ready, can you look at it?
    Customer: looks good, send out the email
    Me: *sends email to 80 people*
    C: BTW, could you change the contact information and I forgot to give you information on these 6 products...
    Me: *homer: why you little!*
  • 0
    @Folkmann feel ya :")
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