
Anyone else get the feeling that you're whiling away your weekend when you could be getting stuff done that you found important/likeable? It sucks to realize you get 32 hours of waking time and not one meaningful ("important but not urgent") thing gets done in that time.

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    @fzammetti any thoughts here? You've kind of become my virtual mentor, heh.
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    I've been keeping a list of daily tasks myself over the last two years (Sheets for me), but I've gotten so used to adding stuff to it over time that I end up ignoring stuff in it and it becomes a task graveyard.

    Problem with whiling away the time is that I don't really get very good job satisfaction from my current company and want to join a new one, so want to devote some time to that over weekends, among other things.
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    @fzammetti I do have a GitHub repo, but it only contains some small stuff like shell scripts, etc.
    No serious projects.
    I also considered starting my own blog, but the idea just remained in my head.
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