clean code measuring unit is WTF/minute.
How many WTF usually in your day :D

  • 0
    @dudeking so you are lucky :D
  • 0
    Today its a bit more i dont count them, but i should be at 120-180
  • 0
    I'm playing with a "REST-like" API and read its documentation. My wtf-meter is out of scale.

    I have no idea how that company has so many well-known client companies. I suppose those clients never needed to use that API...
  • 3
    WTF/minute joke per day is too damn high
  • 0
    I'm fixing code from a spaghetti codebase where I need to optimize for a potato. where in order to reach content to test can take up to 40 hours. my WTF/Seconds start every morning when opening the project.
  • 1
    If the metric is per minute, then why are you asking us our per day number?
  • 0
    you have to make some calculations ;)
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