
WSL is fucking great isn't it...

EDIT: Also how fucking janky is the new windows terminal!

  • 5
    I'd say that's just typical Ubuntu, actually.
    Fuck Ubuntu.
  • 5
    So you use wsl to still work in /system32?
  • 1
    1. usefull for specific things only.
    2. you have network issues. spwcifically dns. fix your /etc/resolv.conf

    And yes - it is a POS. and they borked the linux ACL for mounted file systems. But you can still do a few usefull things with it.
  • 1
    @nitwhiz it's the default location that open when you open an Ubuntu instance in the terminal app

    @magicMirror well this happens every 3rd or 4th time I try to perform an apt update so
  • 2
    at least the new terminal looks nice
  • 1
    @lxmcf then your whole setup is broken. Or it's because this whole thing is beta. Because it should start you off in ~.
  • 1
    @nitwhiz one word. Windows

    But it is probably just because it's in beta
  • 3
    @lxmcf man don't use the beta and say it's shit.^^
  • 2
    @Jilano system32 is a virus from what I hear, just about to sudo rm -r
  • 2
    @Jilano already downloaded 1TB of ram on my 120GB SSD, hopefully this gives me more FPS for my CLI applications
  • 2
    I love how it has a 5 billion pixel thick border and the tabs aren't uniform size. /S
  • 1
    @Jilano that's not thick, that's an obese border
  • 1
    What terminal are you using?
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