That moment when you have 2 Chrome windows open, each having 100+ tabs. Walk through each of the tabs to close off as many as possible and make some room but you cannot, as all of them are required or will be required soon enough.

  • 5
    Imo regoogling is easier and faster than juggling through 200 tabs
  • 4
    Onetab addon, you're welcome
  • 2
    @Humanoid- As if browsing 200+ would be any easier :D
  • 2
    @neriald mostly intranet stuff. Some googled-out pages which took far too long to find. Hence non-closeable :/
  • 1
    with vivaldi browser you can store browser sessions

  • 1
    bookmark all to a folder...
  • 2
    @netikras again: just onetab it all, it's local only, you can even have all windows onetabbed at once and then give the groups names :)
  • 2
    How much ram do you have madman
  • 5
    @IAmAnIssue 32G

    ~/playground$ ps aux | grep chrome | awk '{total+=$6}END{print total/1024/1024"MB"}'

  • 2
    just to add, here's mine so far lol
  • 3
    @JoshBent I see you really really REALLY want me to use that plugin, don't you? :D
  • 0
    @irene you're missing the point, using bookmarks for everything is useless and just spams your bookmarks with trash too.

    I use bookmarks for actual long storage of links, not just everything, onetab is to quickly make all tabs into a list of things temporarily until I need to check it again, for example I can onetab all my windows, come back the next day and pick out what I needed or continue from there, the rest that is useless just stays there and can vanish if I have to reinstall easily, without me missing anything.
  • 2
    @netikras remember to use code joshbent for 0% off of 0$ price.
  • 0
    @irene you never cease to make one laugh by your sheer stupidity :) never stop being a degenerate retard please.

    Here's a direct quote from above: "I use bookmarks for actual long storage of links, not just everything, onetab is to quickly make all tabs into a list of things temporarily until I need to check it again, for example I can onetab all my windows, come back the next day and pick out what I needed or continue from there, the rest that is useless just stays there and can vanish if I have to reinstall easily, without me missing anything."
  • 0
    @JoshBent hey! watch your language! 😡
  • 0
    @heyheni try me, irene is a chronic retard on purpose, btw if you're trying to be a white knight, it's a he - he's had harassed actual female devs on here before, but be your own judge :)
  • 0



    just in case he decides to do some funny business and delete it, clearly said not wanting to share pictures, yet he goes out his way on consecutive (and same rant) non-related rants to continue to harass. :)
  • 0
    @JoshBent dude, chill. Here, take another -- and behave. Calling names is not how someone reacts to another's opinion or to a disagreement of opinions.

    Your behaviour is inappropriate, childish and insulting to others in this community.

    Not cool man. Get some fresh air or smth
  • 0
    @netikras it's alright, I don't care, he's been on it ever since he came back and keeps on doing it, incl. harassing actual female developers as an example above
  • 0
    ​ :)
  • 0
    @JoshBent then -- his comments as offensive and remind him this sort of behaviour is not welcome here. Public outbursts of rage and calling names is not the right way, don't you agree? It only brings more chaos and heats the situation up.
  • 0
    @netikras I actually did many times throughout his existence as a human centipede on this platform, even before he left once after people told him to get fucked for his attitude and behaviour, I have before stopped talking to him too, because (honestly I hope) he's trolling, he's never contributing anything proper to any discussion - instead derailing, picking on little things was obvious for others, malicious intent to troll, ignoring on purpose all the rest of your message to then pick on a single sentence, that's just the tip of the iceberg, and if we had the blocking feature we were announced nearly a year or more ago, this would be a non issue, because people could just block him, but we don't have that, so at some point you just get tilted by those same harassing mechanics.
  • 0
    @JoshBent ofc he is trolling! Most of us are. And you are the one who fell today for his trolls, in this very post.
  • 0
    @netikras it gets very repetitive believing into it just being a troll (just like it did when most people told him to fuck off and he eventually finally did, just sadly returned), not to mention that just stamping it as troll, doesn't make it less of an offense - especially in sexual harassment.
  • 0
    @netikras as I said, if we all could just block him, nobody would be there to read him a single time doing his shit, but sadly we don't have that option, so all we could do was to tell him to get lost en mass.
  • 0
    actually nevermind, I forgot I have a filter script, won't see him post a single time again or interacting with any of my posts.
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