Updated the devrant-web block/filter script, it now also filters based on avatar link, to not have random "commented on your rant" leak into your notifications - forgot myself I've had that script, you're of course welcome to block me too, if I annoy you, that'll make both out lives on devrant easier: https://github.com/7twin/...

Best paired with the notification categories too: https://github.com/7twin/... for an overall better experience.

Just make sure to use tampermonkey, as other implementations usually lack half the necessary style injections, selector supports etc.

I might revive my plugin'able cross-platform (desktop, ios, android, web) app too, which would out of the box feature this and many other things.

  • 2
    Plugin that works on mobile? How you gonna do that?

    Great updates btw
  • 7
    Eh, I'm man enough not to need to block people
  • 3
    It blocks based on avatar link? Those aren't unique, you know. Two similar looking people will get blocked even if you only meant to block one of them.
  • 3
    @devTea custom client with a plugin system, the plugin system itself is already there since day 0

    @12bitfloat try not to trip on your dick out, big man
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm ah makes sense, so e.g. "name" and "name2" would get blocked, just need to be more verbose in the filter, fixed in a bit
  • 2
    @JoshBent ah right, you did built a custom client once
  • 3
    @AlgoRythm not avatar link itself btw, but the "/user/NICKNAME" link that is parent to the avatar
  • 3
    @JoshBent Oh, gotcha. I interpreted it as you were blocking based on the source of the actual avatar image URL.
  • 2
    @JoshBent I'm just not a child that can't deal with other people's opinions
  • 2
    @12bitfloat fine by me, I don't need to waste my time on people, that clearly are up to no good and are just a waste of my time.
  • 1
    @AlgoRythm yeah, that _indeed_ would block similar looking people based on avatar thanks to _no_ unique avatars (hey, the expensive CPU optimized server got to be doing something, right? can't be caching user avatars and hard generating them once)
  • 1
    @JoshBent Well with limited clothing options I don't think unique avatars would be super exciting. The best I can think of is custom colors for stuff and maybe custom shoe and eye size? Like the Mii customizer.
  • 2
    @AlgoRythm you missed the point, unique as in, generate client side with assets, send parameters to server, server generates that, puts it in a public hard cached bucket, with a unique filename that gets assigned to a user, now each load of that users image is a hard cache with cdn forever until he edits it and it gets temporarily invalidated and then again hard cached.

    Currently every single avatar gets cached, but still hits every single time the server to be generated once again if you are either editing your avatar or the cache expired etc. this is why dfox bought the expensive CPU optimized DigitalOcean servers to keep up.
  • 2
    Instead of a custom mobile client, would a proxy covered as vpn work? Catch devrant requests and rebuilt the responses without filtered content. Would potentially need to break open ssl. Might not work at all if certificate pinning is in use
  • 2
    Instead of a custom mobile client, would a proxy covered as vpn work? Catch devrant requests and rebuilt the responses without filtered content. Would potentially need to break open ssl. Might not work at all if certificate pinning is in use
  • 0
    @Kimmax I did think of exactly that and even started it, but abandoned since that would require a https in-line proxy, that has too much creepy implications

    btw you're really thinking devrant does cert pinning? LOL!
  • 0
    @Kimmax not to mention that devrant is feature lacking everywhere, having a plugin system that builds on top allows for much more community freedom and much more "native" integration, since my tampermonkey scripts only tackle devrant-web.
  • 1
    @JoshBent I did not know of they did, I just know it would be a possibility :D
    Makes no sense here, but who knows
    Also yeah, the implications are really big
  • 1
    @Kimmax it was more a hint at "the shit is leaking the pipe and you think they got proper valves to turn it off?" :)
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