FUCK, I just realized something..

A lot of people are probably aware of the statement "Respect is earned, not demanded/given".

Now, if you are aware of the meme "Press F to *pay respect*", you probably know where this goes.

The statements "pay respect" and "respect is earned" are actually connected. Just like money, you pay money to people who deserve it. You work hard for it.

But if this is true, is "attention" also earned? I often hear "Please pay attention" from my teachers back then.

This is some big brain shit right here

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    Respect your elders.

  • 1
    Doesn't apply to german nor french tho (wich english is a mix of).

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    Well, consider it like this: when they say “please pay attention”, they're asking you to donate.
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    @SirVicco Do you know the terms "Respekt zollen" and "Anerkennung zollen" in German?
    Although much less common, but "Aufmerksamkeit zollen" can be used, too.
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    @Benedikt U kno beta
    But there is no payment involved right ?
  • 1
    @SirVicco "Zollen" is an old word (still used today) for "entrichten" or "bezahlen", which means "to pay" in English. You can see the connection in modern words like "Zoll", which is "tariff" in English, or even "verzollen", which means "to tariff".
    So there is an equivalent of "to pay respect" in German.
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    Press E to pay attention.
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