
So I'm tasked with rewriting the old software my employer uses to track basically anything in his company. They want to stick quite close to the old workflow as much as possible, I get that.

"Why exactly do you need access to the system? No you don't need to look at it just recreate the flow. I'll give you the sql structure is that OK? Oh and this won't take long, you can copy from the old code can't you? Wait why do you need access to the code? No. "


  • 7
    Sounds about right. Delay the project as much as possible, while looking for a betrer job.
  • 1
    @magicMirror was enough of a pain to find something flexible enough with studying that didn't pay absolutely horribly, so I'll just sit this one through. At least it'll give me something to put on my resume.
  • 1
    @epse exp as a student is better i agree.
  • 1
    @Santaclauze yeah and my pay is supposed to go up after 14 days, plus it's a computer store with employee discounts and I will need a new laptop for GPU programming at uni sooo
  • 1
    @epse cant complain. Seems like a good short term stepping stone : )
  • 0
    @DarkPy oh yeah I did get a nuc and a tiny cramp-inducing keyboard
  • 0
    @DarkPy nah they host a bunch of servers in the basement, I got some seriously legit fiber
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